The team at Brightscout has created a FREE downloadable whitepaperthat answers the burning question, "Why do companies with good design outperform companies with bad design?" Read on to learn more and get your copy...Download White PaperDesignis an important part of a modern-day business, now more than ever with 96% of Americans shopping online.With this trend, a business’s online presence has become its storefront. From the logo, social media profile, and website to the mobile app and messaging platform, each online property shows the audience what to expect from that business.

To be successful, brands must stand out amongst competitors. Further, they must make a good first impression to attract prospects and engage them to learn more.
Good design is driving business results
There are secrets that experienced designers know and understand that go beyond making something look nice and pretty. In modern times, brands must intricately understand who their target audience is and what motivations drive them. Using that knowledge, they can tailor their designs to the audience’s preferences and needs. It’s no simple task, but the companies who “get it”, or hire designers that do, earn greater returns. Several researchers have performed studies and collected data which all points to the same conclusion; companies that are design-centric are outperforming those that aren’t. (See the whitepaper for details.)
A new differentiating factor
E-commerce has gotten to the point where price and product alone aren’t enough to differentiate your brand from thecompetition. You have to have a well thought-out, strategic design strategy that permeates everything your company does. In doing so, you can set yourself apart, creating a brand to which prospects flock and customers show loyalty.If you want to learn how much of an impact good design can have on your business, as well as why it's so impactful and how it works, download our free whitepaper, “Why Do Companies with Good Design Outperform Companies with Bad Design Overview Design.”Download White Paper
Are Your Competitor's Designs Eating Your Lunch?
Don't let your competitors take market share and steal your thunder because your company's design collateral doesn't meet the same standards as your product or service. Contact Brightscout and see how we can whip those flabby designs into shape.[contact-form to="" subject="Contact Alert! Blog Contact Form"][contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="1"][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="1"][contact-field label="Website" type="text"][contact-field label="Message" type="textarea"][/contact-form]SaveSave